Sunday, February 25, 2007

Chantal Akerman's "D'Est"

In "D'Est" Chantal Akerman Shows us landscapes and people in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Bloc who she believes will be changed as a result of the recently fallen Soviet Union. Chantal uses several camera pans a few from motion rigs and the rest from vehicles. These pans i believe were intended to give impact to the feeling and mood viewing the people and landscapes viewed in her film. These "impact" gives an enhanced vision of the current state people and places so we well almost be "unknowingly" "forced" to remember and not to forget about what we have viewed and taken from Chantal Akerman's film "D'Est" (From the East).

Friday, February 16, 2007

Daily Practice

The viewing we saw on Feb. 12, 2007 were based on the different daily practices of different individuals. first we saw "A Letter to Jonas" By Benn. Although a letter from Benn to Jonas isn't hes daily practice Jonas Mekas wanted to include this letter in hes daily practice of show us the public different video segments of of his life/carrer in film. Next i want to mention Leighton Pierce's film "Thursday", because this film seemed to be troublesome for people. Usually this reaction was cause but concerns of why he doesn't show us whats outside the windows in this film others found "Thursday" to be boring for various reasons. I personally found Leighton pierce wanting to show in details of what hes afternoon are like well he does hes daily activities while hes young son slept.